Tuesday, June 30, 2015

June 30, 2015

"3 Weeks"

Hey Y'all!

So this week we had a lot of good things happen, and we also had some things not go our way. But that happens every week. But this week I was determined to find some new investigators for this area. So we went on an exchange with our district leader and I was staying in my area. And I told him that we were going to work our butts off to find a new investigator today. So we went out to the farthest part of our area and we started walking about and knocking some doors here and there. We were able to talk to 3 people about the gospel and were able to set up appointments with them for this weekend and next! One of those people was named Tyler and he is a pretty cool kid. He doesn't know if there is a God or not and is willing to learn. We set up an appointment for this week. He wasn't there, but we are going to give him another try because that was they day that we contacted him. Then we knocked on a door and talked with this lady and she wasn't interested. But she told us to try the lady across the street. Turns out that she was interested and told us to come by this upcoming friday because she was going out of town the next day. So we are excited for that!

We were also able to go on splits with our bishop and another member this week. We went by and saw a member that has had a pretty rough couple years. He still has a testimony of the Gospel, but has a hard time getting motivated to come to church. The member that came with me to go see him bore a super strong testimony about going to church and gave a short story about how he had a hard time in his life too. The spirit was really strong. We tried to commit him to come to church, but said that he wouldn't make any promises. He didn't come, but hopefully we can get him to come soon.

We were also able to see a family that is coming back to church and also had their daughter get baptized right before I got here. But we had a really good conversation about church and also about the Melchizedek Priesthood. The husband Ky really wants to get it because they really want to go to the Temple together and get sealed. We read part of D&C 84 with him and said that he felt ready to get it. His only hold up is his work schedule. He works 7 days on and 2 days off. So he only makes it to church like once a month. Other than that, he is ready to go to get to the Temple.

Well this weekend is the 4th of July. It might not be as eventful as last years because I'm not in the Tongan wards. Haha! Last year was great spending time with the members at a BBQ. We don't know quite yet what we are going to be doing this weekend. But I'm sure something will come up that we could do. Elder Wade has been doing better. He still struggles getting out the door but he is definitely making progress. We are also hoping to set a baptism date this week for August with one of our investigators, Jay. We texted him this past week and he has been finding time to read and pray throughout the week. He said that he is more interested now than he ever has been before. So I know that if we set a date with him that it will help him to progress even more. So we are excited for that. This past week we also had zone conference and it was probably one of the best ones on my mission. I really enjoyed it! I totally forgot to send this email too. Haha! Hope y'all have a great week! Love y'all!

Elder O'Brien

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