Monday, October 13, 2014

October 13, 2014

Hey Y'all!

Man this week was pretty great! We had Zone Conference this week and it was a little bit different than usual. there are usually training and President usually presents something that we need to start doing for the up coming months to find people to teach or to help us teach. Instead we watched a MOVIE!!! The only movie that I'll be able to watch on my mission! It was Meet the Mormons and I recommend everyone to go see it! It gives stories on 6 different families and basically shows them in their daily lives and it also talks about how their religion fits into their lives. I thought that it was really great! It's only going to be in theaters for a couple weeks, so go see it if you haven't already. We also had Stake Conference this weekend and we had a member of the Seventy come down and speak to us. He did a great job in making sure that he wasn't boring to listen to and he made if fun for the youth as well.

This week I was able to meet one of out investigators who is SOO solid! She knows that the church is true and I asked her what the next step was for her with us coming over and she said that she is going to get baptized! So she knows it's true and has that desire to join. However, her only hold up is that she had to have her toes amputated because of an infection that happened on one of her feet. So she had the surgery and she has to wait for the doctors approval before she can get it wet. So we are just in the process of waiting for her foot to heal and have the skin grow back fully so she can go to church and then get baptized. We are right now just reading the Book of Mormon with her and helping her understand what is going on and how we can apply it into our lives. She loves to read is and is going to make an awesome member someday! 

This week we have Elder Cardon from the Seventy coming down to speak with us. We are really looking forward to what he has to say to us. I'm also looking forward to seeing a lot of other missionaries that I haven't seen in a long time as well. It should be quite the reunion. I also found my apartment key this week from my old Hewitt apartment. Ha I wonder how they have been getting inside this whole time. Hopefully Elder Smith has his spare somewhere. But Thank you for you emails this week! The car is awesome! :) I freaking love it! Best way to get around and do missionary work by far! But thanks again and have a blessed week!

Elder O'Brien

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