Monday, May 5, 2014

May 5, 2014


What a week is was! It was our best teaching week so far this transfer. On Monday night we went out with our ward mission leader to Hurst to go teach his brother. His brother is married to a half white and black woman and has 2 kids. We had a great lesson with them and we invited them to be baptized. He said we would if it were true, but she was kinda hesitant. She has grown up Baptist and likes her ways, but is open to learn more about the LDS Church. 

Man, we had a great lesson with a Less Active kid though this week. We were supposed to teach him on Thursday at Kafoa's, but it took to long to get 4 boxes of pizza for 3 people. Haha! So we came back on the next day and shared a message. He wants to go on a mission, but he has to change some stuff up first before he can go. So we set up a game plan for him to read, pray and go to church certain amounts of days of the week. Church is obviously 1, and he said he can read 7 days a week and pray twice a day. We told him to start that night. So on Sunday, we expected him at church so he can make that goal. But...he was a no show. We were pretty bummed out and now we don't think he is doing the other stuff. So hopefully he is at least reading or praying or doing both. 

We were also able to teach a former investigator this week. Her husband was a catholic pastor and died a couple years ago. She said that she just wants to stay catholic because she doesn't want to go to against her husband. So we taught her the 2nd half of the Plan of Salvation and told her where her husband was and what he was doing. She seemed to like it and she invited us back to share more with her. It was a great lesson. We had a member there and if you have read some of my past emails, a lot of Tongans look for opportunities to eat. So after that lesson, there was a member doing a BBQ right down the road and that was our next stop. Haha! It was actually really good chicken though! I would say some of the best that I've had since I've been here.

So quick story. So on Friday we had a really slow day besides teaching Holo. We had 3 appointments cancel and we were running out of people to go visit. So it was 8:30 and there was one potential investigator left on our planner to go visit. We were walking over there and I was thinking to my selft, "This is going to be just like all the other missionary stories! When they knocked on the last house on the street and they answered and they wanted to get baptized." So I shared that thought with my companion and we were both pumped to knock on this door! So we walk up to the door, we knock 6 times all excited and we see the guy look at the door and start walking.....towards the back. And then the house went dark. Haha! We were like NO!!! Haha so maybe next time it'll be a knock. We thought it was kinda funny though.

On Sunday we had correlation with 2nd ward and Bishop is really excited about missionary work. We set up a plan to start visiting families and asking for referrals. He wants us to call him and tell him what families we have seen and what families aren't doing anything. He really wants to get the ward excited! 3rd ward is still struggling on getting motivated. We are trying to come up with new ideas to get the ward excited. Our Ward Mission Leader is the only one who is really doing anything. So pray of us. Haha!

Other than that, it's was a great week! Every night this week has appointments and we are going to be running around everywhere! We are really excited! Me and Elder Fifita are doing great! I've learned a little bit how to play the Uke and also how to solve a Rubiks cube! Pretty stoked about that! Love you guys so much! Have a blessed week!

Elder O'Brien

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